By registering a trademark, you obtain exclusive rights to use that mark for your goods or services, preventing others from using a similar mark that could confuse customers.
At Kritika Gupta & Associates, we offer comprehensive trademark registration services to help you protect your intellectual property and build a strong brand presence.
We provide end-to-end trademark registration services, ensuring a smooth and efficient process from start to finish. Our services include:
Before filing a trademark application, we conduct a comprehensive search to ensure that your proposed mark is unique and not already in use.
Our team ensures that all necessary documents are submitted correctly to expedite the approval process.
We monitor the progress and address any objections or issues raised by the trademark examiner, providing expert responses to ensure a favorable outcome.
After the examination, your trademark is published in the official trademark journal. During this period, third parties can oppose the registration.
This certificate grants you exclusive rights to use the trademark for the specified goods or services.
We offer renewal services to ensure your trademark remains protected for as long as you need.